Movie Night - Never Give Up: The Heart of Compassion (MSP-O-082219)

08/22/2019 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM CT


Image result for never give up the heart of compassion

Movie Night - Never Give Up: The Heart of Compassion

Description:"Never Give Up" tells the poignant story of three brave women, inspired by the teachings of the 17th Karmapa, who put compassion into action. His Holiness the 17th Karmapa is one of the most important teachers in Buddhism. He teaches about the need to take action to alieviate the suffering of all beings and to care for the environment. The movie takes place in Bodhgaya, India, where Buddha attained enlightenment. Joy cares for street dogs and animals of Bodhgaya. Dominique has a tutorial school, educating the children of a local village. Lillian, with the help of hundreds of the Karmapa's monks takes on the challenge of cleaning the pollution of Bodhgaya. She works with the local government to educate people about reducing the use of plastic and recycling.

Watch the movie trailer here.

Registration is not required, but appreciated for planning purposes. Thank you.

Date/Time: Thursday, August 22, 7-8:30 p.m.

This course is freely offered by the Tergar community. We are deeply grateful to our community members, who generously offer their time, energy, and financial contributions to make this possible.

Please consider adding a tax-deductible donation to your registration. Your generosity allows us to offer programs like this more widely.

Tergar Minneapolis / St. Paul
1621 E Hennepin Ave, Suite 210
Minneapolis, MN 55414
